Welcome to the CarryLite page
The only one of its kind, easy to use, attachment for dual strap golf bags to remove strain on your shoulders and back. The traditional method of carrying clubs stresses the upper body, CarryLite moves the weight to your hips, reducing the effort of carrying your clubs so you can finish every round stronger.
Perfect for individuals or teams trying to get that competitive edge.
Pays for itself after 2 - 3 rounds of cart fees.
Several color combinations to choose from and add a team or school logo to complete the customization.
Patient Pending, made right here in the USA!
Proven to reduce the effort of carrying your clubs
A study has shown that taking the weight off your shoulders and moving it to your hips reduces the use of your deltoid, latissimus dorsi, obliques and gluteus medius muscles to support and stabilize you as you carry a golf bag. Taking the load off these muscles saves energy. This same concept has been used by backpackers for many years and now it's available for golfers.
The soft straps fit snugly around your waist and the secure connection takes the weight of the bag, making it feel almost weightless.
Enjoy golf the way it was meant to be played and save strokes while doing it.
Avoid the fatigue and loss of focus at the end of your round. Your scores are suffering from lugging 25+ pounds around with your back and shoulders.
Using a cart wastes money on cart fees, takes your focus off your game, and getting in an out of a cart is not exercise.
Easy as a gimme
Easy attach to bag
Cinch tight and go